The Dalliance of the Eagles (cycle)
The Dalliance of the Eagles (cycle) 2008
solo voices, piano (30′)
Texts: Gerard Manley Hopkins, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, John Wilmot, Rupert Brooke
i. Pied Beauty solo
ii. Invocation solo
iii. ’Tis so much joy! trio
iv. I am he that aches with love solo
v. The Dalliance of the Eagles duet
vi. Return solo (unaccompanied)
vii. Desertion duet
viii. Look down fair moon solo
ix. Darest thou now O soul ensemble
x. A clear midnight solo
Developed for The Knack Singers as part of the Adopt-a-Composer scheme, funded by the Performing Rights Society Foundation (PRSF) and run by the Society for the Promotion of New Music (spnm) in association with Making Music.
First performance: St John’s Wood Church, London, 30/10/2008
The Knack Singers | Rufus Frowde piano