Catamount Concerts St Johnsbury Vermont, USA: The full, final Sacrifice: A Lenten sequence

Date(s) - 02/04/2019
7:00 pm
North Congregational Church, St Johnsbury, VT
Choir of Clare College, Cambridge
Eleanor Carter & Ashley Chow, organ
Graham Ross, conductor
The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge and conductor Graham Ross return to St Johnsbury, Vermont with a beautiful Lenten sequence including settings of the Tenebrae Responsories for Holy Saturday, Sanders’ The Reproaches, James MacMillan’s stunning Miserere, and Gerald Finzi’s Eucharistic masterpiece, Lo, the full, final Sacrifice.
The full, final Sacrifice: A Lenten sequence
LODOVICO GROSSI DA VIADANA (1560-1627) Sicut ovis ad occisionem
JOHN SANDERS (1933-2003) The Reproaches
GIOVANNI CROCE (1557-1609) Plange quasi virgo
ORLANDO GIBBONS (1583-1625) Drop, drop, slow tears
THOMAS TALLIS (c.1505-85) In ieunio et fletu
SAMUEL SEBASTIAN WESLEY (1810-76) Wash me thoroughly
HERBERT HOWELLS (1892-1983) Like as the hart
JAMES MACMILLAN (b. 1959) Miserere
– interval –
WILLIAM BYRD (c.1539/40-1623) Ne irascaris, Domine / Civitas sancti tui
TOMÁS LUIS DE VICTORIA (c.1548-1611) O vos omnes
ALONSO LOBO (1555-1617) Versa est in luctum
WILLIAM BYRD Ave verum corpus
RODERICK WILLIAMS (b. 1965) Ave verum corpus Re-imagined
JONATHAN HARVEY (1939-2012) I love the Lord
GERALD FINZI (1901-56) Lo, the full, final sacrifice